Agenda Arij20

All times in Jordan time (GMT+2)

Friday   13/11/2020   16:00

Investigating Corruption With Finance Uncovered

This session will provide participants with the needed skills to spot corruption and money laundering schemes, and investigate their enablers.


Investigating The Global Arms Trade With SAM

Friday   13/11/2020   18:00

The global movement of arms and armaments plays a vital role in politics, and the many billions of dollars generated by their transfer define government behaviour, businesses, and politicians. Fortunately, arms transfers leave a trail. This workshop is intended to provide investigative journalists looking to hold those responsible for violence, political repression, and other abuses the tools to follow that trail and tell their stories. Using unique resources and data collection tools, the workshop will show journalists how to use the global arms trade to draw a connection between events on the ground and those liable for them, all with an eye towards compelling and human storytelling. This workshop is organzied with Security Assistance Monitor.

Saturday 14/11/2020 12:00

Investigative Organizations: Common Challenges

Independent media outlets, investigative journalism centres and fact-checking projects all face a host of management and viability issues on top of the difficult work of reporting and fact-checking the news. After over a decade working with independent media outlets, Settles will discuss the key obstacles and challenges in media management and sustainability. The discussion will feature some of the special experiences faced by media trying to report on and survive during the coronavirus pandemic. Questions are welcome and discussion is encouraged.


Newsrooms In Times Of Crisis With Google News Initiative

Saturday 14/11/2020 16:00

During COVID-19, press organizations around the world were forced to work remotely. How can organizations in such circumstances manage their teams? What are the most prominent tools that help produce journalistic ideas and how should we distribute tasks among team members? This session focuses on techniques that help press teams in the process of producing stories remotely; from an idea's inception, to its production.

Tuesday 17/11/2020 09:00

Individual Clinics: Rule Of Law And Digital Security [By Invitation]

ARIJ Digital Security One-to-One Clinics with a clear focus on rule of law in Jordan, in collaboratoin with JOSA works with Jordanian journalists to keep them safe online. In these virtual clinics, we can help you improve your digital security practices to keep out of harm’s way. If you’re already under attack, we provide rapid-response emergency assistance.

Fact-Checking Advanced Workshop Hosted By SKUP [By Invitation]

Thursday 19/11/2020 12:00

In this workshop, we’ll show you how to sort fact from fiction – from spotting false information and verifying the context and origin of images and videos shared on social media, to finding accurate data online. This will equip participants with the necessary theoretical knowledge and practical fact-checking skills. It is advanced for those who require in-depth fact-checking and verification training.


Fact-Checking Advanced Workshop Hosted By SKUP [By Invitation]

Friday 20/11/2020 12:00

In this workshop, we’ll show you how to sort fact from fiction – from spotting false information and verifying the context and origin of images and videos shared on social media, to finding accurate data online. This will equip participants with the necessary theoretical knowledge and practical fact-checking skills. It is advanced for those who require in-depth fact-checking and verification training.


Understanding Company Accounts With Finance Uncovered

Friday 20/11/2020 16:00

This session gives participants an overview on how to understand and report on company accounts. During these sessions we will cover basic accounting concepts and executive motivation, Director & Auditor Report and the three main sections of accounts: Profit & Loss Analysis, Balance Sheet and Cashflow.


Racism In The Arab News With The Ethical Journalism Network

Friday 20/11/2020 18:00

This panel will look at how racism manifests itself in the Arab media. It will examine some of the specific characteristics of reporting on race, ethnicity and nationalism in the Arab world and look at the role that the media is playing in perpetuating these. The panel will also discuss some of the challenges that journalists face when covering topics related to race, ethnic minorities and refugees.


Fact-Checking Advanced Workshop Hosted By SKUP [By Invitation]

Friday 21/11/2020 12:00

In this workshop, we’ll show you how to sort fact from fiction – from spotting false information and verifying the context and origin of images and videos shared on social media, to finding accurate data online. This will equip participants with the necessary theoretical knowledge and practical fact-checking skills. It is advanced for those who require in-depth fact-checking and verification training.

Monday 23/11/2020 16:00

A Global Study: Journalism And The Pandemic - ICFJ

The International Center for Journalists (ICFJ) and the Tow Center for Digital Journalism at Columbia University launched the Journalism and the Pandemic Project in April 2020 to study the impacts on the field worldwide. Based on survey responses from more than 1,400 English-speaking journalists in 125 countries, the first report from the project surfaces alarming obstacles and threats confronting journalism during the first stage of the pandemic. The study is available in Arabic and in this session it will be presented and open to Q & A.


Proposal Writing In Journalism - GIJN

Monday 23/11/2020 17:00

In this hands-on training, you will learn how to navigate the funding landscape, from researching for prospective collaborators, to pitching your organization/project. This session offers practical tips on identifying funders, contacting them, writing effective proposals, and best practices to increase your chancesof fundraising success in the changing journalism landscape.

Tuesday 24/11/2020 12:00

Dealing With Online Harassment With A Holistic Safety Mindset With SAFE MENA [Private Invitations]

SAFE MENA team are conducting a remote panel where a team of experts in the digital security, physical safety and psychosocial well-being will answer core questions about online harassment and its effect on media workers as well as the best means to deal with it safely. It will define online harassment and ask a series of essential questions related to digital security, physical safety and psychosocial safety aspects of this alarming new trend. Participants will be also invited to share their insights and point of views during a Q&A sequence.


Design Thinking In Today's Journalism

Tuesday 24/11/2020 16:00

The importance of integrating Human Centered Design in journalism as an industry as well as equipping journalists with this method is crucial in these challenging times. Journalists will explore this mindset that allows them to be creative in finding solutions for the most complicated of problems.

Tuesday 24/11/2020 16:00

Trauma And Identity Management With Free Press Unlimited [By Invitation]

This mental health workshop is intended for journalists and media professionals. It addresses the impact of traumatizing events on the way one perceive him/herself, in terms of their personal and social identity, self-esteem and self-confidence. It also proposes techniques and resources to reduce the trauma’s negative influence and will help manage internal identity tensions.


Copyright Challenges In Light Of The Multi-Platform And Social Media Era

Tuesday 24/11/2020 18:00

Learn about intellectual property rights related to journalism, specifically investigation and documentary production. How do we guarantee the safety of our productions from any legal violations? Copyright challenges in light of the multi-platform and social media era.

Wednesday 25/11/2020 16:00

Trauma And Identity Management With Free Press Unlimited [By Invitation]

This mental health workshop is intended for journalists and media professionals. It addresses the impact of traumatizing events on the way one perceive him/herself, in terms of their personal and social identity, self-esteem and self-confidence. It also proposes techniques and resources to reduce the trauma’s negative influence and will help manage internal identity tensions.


Digital Security Clinic With The International Women In Media Foundation (IWMF) [By Invitation]

Thursday 26/11/2020 9:00

Data security is crucial for journalists in the digital age. Learn the latest methods to browse the web safely, secure your social media accounts, and communicate with sources. These are one-to-one individual clinics with experts.


Freelance Safety Clinics With ACOS Alliance, Frontline Freelance Register (FFR) And Rory Peck Trust (RPT) [By Invitation]

Thursday 26/11/2020 9:00

These one-to-one safety clinics are available at intervals throughout the day. They are free of charge and open to freelance investigative journalists working across all platforms, who cover the MENA region. The consultations are tailored and private and can focus on physical safety and/or psychological safety issues, including risk assessment and assignment planning. Booked sessions can cover topics ranging from navigating checkpoints and packing appropriate kit for assignments to psychological self-care before, during and after an assignment. The aim of these clinics is to help freelance journalists improve their safety practices, get advice on a specific assignment and/or concern and answer any questions that they might have. Arabic speaking safety experts will deliver individual consultations at intervals across three days.


Trauma And Identity Management With Free Press Unlimited [By Invitation]

Thursday 26/11/2020 16:00

This mental health workshop is intended for journalists and media professionals. It addresses the impact of traumatizing events on the way one perceive him/herself, in terms of their personal and social identity, self-esteem and self-confidence. It also proposes techniques and resources to reduce the trauma’s negative influence and will help manage internal identity tensions.


Commissioners Session [Private Invitations]

Thursday 26/11/2020 16:00

Arab investigative journalists can pitch thier proposals for 2021 production and benefit from comments and advice from commissioners from a wide range of broadcasters and digital platforms that cover BBC Arabic, DW, France24, Al Jazeera (English and Arabic), Al Arabi TV, Pulitzer, Media Bridge and OCCRP.


Freelance Safety Clinics With ACOS Alliance, Frontline Freelance Register (FFR) And Rory Peck Trust (RPT) [By Invitation]

Friday 27/11/2020 9:00

These one-to-one safety clinics are available at intervals throughout the day. They are free of charge and open to freelance investigative journalists working across all platforms, who cover the MENA region. The consultations are tailored and private and can focus on physical safety and/or psychological safety issues, including risk assessment and assignment planning. Booked sessions can cover topics ranging from navigating checkpoints and packing appropriate kit for assignments to psychological self-care before, during and after an assignment. The aim of these clinics is to help freelance journalists improve their safety practices, get advice on a specific assignment and/or concern and answer any questions that they might have. Arabic speaking safety experts will deliver individual consultations at intervals across three days.


Using Open-Sources To Investigate With Bellingcat & GIJN

Friday 27/11/2020 16:00

This training session will examine the use of open-sources to investigate and understand the world around us. Focusing on real-world case-studies from the Bellingcat Investigative Team, it will teach participants how to use open-source techniques to monitor, verify and investigate events.


Editors Safety Workshop With ACOS Alliance

Friday 27/11/2020 20:00

This practical workshop, delivered by high risk advisors from the BBC and The New York Times, will focus on “easy win” safety practices that can be implemented with minimal cost and rapid deployment. Participants will learn how to create and improve safety protocols that benefit both newsrooms and investigative journalists. The workshop will pay special attention to COVID-19 and covering protests. The session will cover best practices for commissioning risky assignments and key elements for creating a robust set of safety protocols that will help editors to avoid and carefully manage security threats. Trainers will refer to useful open source resources. The workshop is aimed at editors and news managers who commission long and short-form investigative stories, films and/or photography and who have direct responsibility for the safety of those they are working with.


Freelance Safety Clinics With ACOS Alliance, Frontline Freelance Register (FFR) And Rory Peck Trust (RPT) [By Invitation]

Saturday 28/11/2020 9:00

These one-to-one safety clinics are available at intervals throughout the day. They are free of charge and open to freelance investigative journalists working across all platforms, who cover the MENA region. The consultations are tailored and private and can focus on physical safety and/or psychological safety issues, including risk assessment and assignment planning. Booked sessions can cover topics ranging from navigating checkpoints and packing appropriate kit for assignments to psychological self-care before, during and after an assignment. The aim of these clinics is to help freelance journalists improve their safety practices, get advice on a specific assignment and/or concern and answer any questions that they might have. Arabic speaking safety experts will deliver individual consultations at intervals across three days.


Using Open-Sources To Investigate With Bellingcat & GIJN

Saturday 28/11/2020 16:00

This training session will examine the use of open-sources to investigate and understand the world around us. Focusing on real-world case-studies from the Bellingcat Investigative Team, it will teach participants how to use open-source techniques to monitor, verify and investigate events.


Gender balance in the news hosted by Women in News (WIN) - WAN IFRA

Saturday 28/11/2020 20:00

An open discussion regarding the current status of gender balance in the Arab newsrooms and media content, highlighting major obstacles related and looking for possibilities to improve


Mediabridge: Get Your Story To An International Audience

Monday 30/11/2020 16:00

In many areas in the Arab World, today, only Arab journalists can report due to safety concerns and limited access for international media, but often these journalists are ignored by the international media and some of the most critical stories go untold. Mediabridge is a platform where trusted media and journalists from the Arab World can partner with western media and co-produce investigations and hold companies, politicians and organisations accountable for their actions. For the Arab Media, Mediabridge is a way to create income and get stories with international interest published outside the region.


Totem: Digital Security Training With Free Press Unlimited

Monday 30/11/2020 18:00

While Internet freedom is restricted by regimes to repress media and civil society actors in democratic and authoritarian societies, journalists and activists are not able to deal effectively with these restrictions and digital threats. Discover the online digital security courses in Arabic available on the Totem platform to learn how to protect yourself by adopting relevant instruments and tools that enhance your safety in your work practice


How GIJN's Regional Editors Are Connecting The World - GIJN

Tuesday 01/12/2020 16:30

In this fast-moving session, you'll learn about some of the best investigative reporting from around the world, and the status of investigative reporting in disadvantaged regions; from Latin America, Eastern Europe to West and Central Africa, all the way to China and the Middle East. You'll also learn the best tips and practices for being a global collaborative investigative journalist. Come for an inspirational panel led by GIJN's regional editors.


Success Stories: Data Journalism Diploma - ICFJ Knight Fellowship

Tuesday 01/12/2020 18:00

In this session, we present the Data Journalism Diploma which took place remotely for 4-months, during which, trainees learned all the skills required for journalists to deal with data, find a data-driven story, and the needed skills for visualizing data. The outcome of these 4-months will be presented, as trainees will display their successful stories produced under the supervision of ARIJ and will have the chance to share their experience with Forum attendees.


Media & Information Literacy TOT [By Invitation]

Wednesday 02/12/2020 11:00

This workshop will introduce journalists to the concept of Media and Information Literacy (MIL) to understand news as a means to detect ‘information disorder’ in obvious and subliminal messages; and be able to train in the future on the concepts. The training plan will be built on module 4 of the UNESCO Handbook “Journalism, 'Fake News' and Disinformation”


Middle East/ North Africa Virtual Mentoring Center Bootcamp Hosted By ICFJ & ARIJ [Private Invitations]

Wednesday 02/12/2020 12:00

The mentoring center bootcamp is an opportunity for media entrepreneurs in the MENA region to sharpen their skills and acquire new ones while learning from the best experts in the region. Closed Event - Pre-selected Invitees only Hosted by the International Center for Journalists (ICFJ) and Arab Reporters for Investigative Journalism (ARIJ)


"Policy Paper Launch: “Women in Media, the challenges of remote work within the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Feminist Perspective”"

Wednesday 02/12/2020 16:00

"Through surveying a random sample of female and male journalists in different sectors in the media field, this study examines the reality of the challenges that female journalists faced during the Covid-19 pandemic, based on the idea of mixing the biological and social factors. The study discusses the social differences that emerged during the pandemic for both women and men in the media field, and raises questions related to the change in their respective roles, which were exposed by the pandemic under the pressuring remote working system. The study converges the following questions: Did the challenges increase for females in the media field during the pandemic? What kind of challenges did they face during this pandemic? Did the males in the field face these same challenges? Is there any change to the roles of both sexes? And how did the managers of media institutions deal with both the female and male journalists during the pandemic? Are there double-standards in their treatment? And other questions."


Challenges Of The Sustainability Of Journalism In The MENA Region Hosted With The Forum On Information And Democracy And CFI

Wednesday 02/12/2020 18:00

The decline of different sources of income endangers the survival of many independent news media and impacts the quality of journalistic content. Not to mention the digital platforms that often blur distinctions between journalism and other forms of content (including information sponsored by interest, influencers, propaganda from foreign states, etc.) and provide people with limited signals to distinguish between reported news and other material. As COVID-19 exacerbates the fragility of journalism, "The working group on the sustainability of journalism" launched by the Forum on Information & Democracy aims to identify and define concrete policy changes in the regulation or in off market solutions to ensure the sustainability of independent news organizations.


Media & Information Literacy TOT [By Invitation]

Thursday 03/12/2020 11:00

This workshop will introduce journalists to the concept of Media and Information Literacy (MIL) to understand news as a means to detect ‘information disorder’ in obvious and subliminal messages; and be able to train in the future on the concepts. The training plan will be built on module 4 of the UNESCO Handbook “Journalism, 'Fake News' and Disinformation”


Middle East/ North Africa Virtual Mentoring Center Bootcamp Hosted By ICFJ & ARIJ [Private Invitations]

Thursday 03/12/2020 12:00

The mentoring center bootcamp is an opportunity for media entrepreneurs in the MENA region to sharpen their skills and acquire new ones while learning from the best experts in the region. Closed Event - Pre-selected Invitees only Hosted by the International Center for Journalists (ICFJ) and Arab Reporters for Investigative Journalism (ARIJ)


ARIJ20 Virtual Exhibition

Friday 04/12/2020 14:00

This exhibition grants you the opportunity to meet representatives from the best investigative journalism and media support organizations operating in the region. Feel free to drop by their booth, learn more about their services, projects, resources, and opportunities.

ARIJ20 Launch

Friday 04/12/2020 15:00

ARIJ invites our community and guests to join in supporting the work of our exceptional ARIJeans, editors, coaches, fact-checkers, lawyers, donors, supporters, partners and others during 2020. This is your chance to see ARIJ's acheivments in spite of the immense challenges this year has posed, and hear from our honourary guests and keynote spekers on investigative journalism, accountability, freedom of expression and access to information in Jordan and the Arab World. Don’t miss this opportunity.


Cross-Border Is A Necessity

Friday 04/12/2020 16:00

Some stories are too big for any one journalist — or even one news organization. That’s where cross-border is a necessity. Experts from the U.S., Europe, Latin America and East Asia dig deep into their experiences


New Angles To Covering COVID-19

Friday 04/12/2020 17:00

Covering the COVID-19 pandemic has challenged journalism in new and complex ways. The industry had no handy template to implement from past crises. Journalism schools could hardly have prepared this generation’s reporters for such a complex and overwhelming story. and let’s face it, science and medicine are not areas of expertise for the scribes walking around with microphones and laptops. In this session, we engage with stories from Africa, Latin America, Europe and East Asia.


ARIJ's Impactful 2020 Investigations

Friday 04/12/2020 18:00

Before ARIJ puts out any investigation (broadcasted or published), it is a journey of months and sometimes years of hard work. We define what we are trying to achieve from each investigation. What we want people to know, do and feel as a result of reading these stories; and the extensive discussions that go on between the journalist, the coach and the editor. This session is a chance to shed light on our courageous ARIJean journalists who would never give up and who continued working through this extraordinarily difficult year. Join us to engage with their struggles and hopes.


Introduction to QARIB Project Hosted by CFI

Friday 04/12/2020 19:00

Join us in the launch of QABIR regional project. The project is funded by the French Development Agency and supports media outlets operating in Jordan, Lebanon, Iraq and Palestine in order to boost social cohesion, promote the integration of communities and women in particular, and encourage public debate. Project beneficiaries: Media outlets and journalists from Jordan, Lebanon, Iraq and Palestine, and Civil society organisations and authorities Citizens from all four countries.


Networking Event

Friday 04/12/2020 19:00

Movie Night: BBC And ARIJ

Friday 04/12/2020 21:00

Don't miss the discussion around two highly significant and challenging ARIJ-BBC investigative pieces! The first is by Egyptian journalist Gehad Abbas, which uncovers how the deal done by the Egyptian government to lend the ancient Egyptian artefacts to a commercial events company may have breached laws designed to protect priceless ancient treasures. The second, by Sudanese journalist Fath Alrhman Alhamdani, sheds light on the violations that children are subjected to in Quran memorization centers, known in Sudan as “the Khalwa,” that are managed by sheikhs and are widely spread all over the country. The session will be a discussion and Q&A with the two ARIJean journalists and BBC presenter Rasha Qandeel.


ARIJ20 Virtual Exhibition

Saturday 05/12/2020 14:00

This exhibition grants you the opportunity to meet representatives of the best investigative journalism and media support organizations operating in the region. Feel free to drop by their booth, learn more about their services, projects, resources, and opportunities

Virtual Support: The Marie Colvin Journalists’ Network As A Case Study

Saturday 05/12/2020 15:00

The Marie Colvin Journalists’ Network (MCJN) was established four years ago as a virtual private community where Arab female journalists can receive online support and mentorship. Therefore, while other organisations have had to adapt their operations to the new restrictions imposed by the Covid-19 pandemic, for MCJN, most activities have continued as before. In this discussion, staff and members of MCJN will share their experiences over the last four years and reflect on the advantages and challenges involved in working virtually, especially when it comes to mentorship, networking, exchanging advice, and mental health support.


Contracts Are A Safety Issue Too! Hosted By ACOS Alliance, Frontline Freelance Register (FFR) And Samir Kassir Foundation

Saturday 05/12/2020 16:00

For freelance journalists, contracts serve as the only formal definition of their legal rights, including safety protections, vis a vis the commissioning organisation. So understanding the meaning of contract terms is essential - for both the freelancer and commissioning editor. Using the ACOS Alliance Freelance Publishing Agreement as its model, this session will examine the key issues to consider when negotiating a contract, to help both parties understand how to reach an agreement that is clear and fair to both parties, including looking after the safety interests of the freelancer.


Misinformation/Disinformation Policy Paper Launch With FNF

Saturday 05/12/2020 17:00

In partnership with the Friedrich Naumann Foundation for Freedom (FNF), ARIJ is launching its policy paper on Combating Disinformation in the Arab World (in both Arabic and English). This session will be dedicated to discussing the findings and moving forward in light of them. Naming the political, psychological and technical circumstances that facilitate its spread, this policy paper found that pandemic-related fear, cultural mistrust of governments’ handling of the pandemic, and growing personal risks facing journalists encourage the spread of fake news in the region. Additionally, the pandemic has made more visible a lack of qualified medical journalists in the Arab world. Media education at all levels, with an emphasis on news auditing, proves paramount. ARIJ found that the pandemic, although devastating to both human health and media health, has awakened initiatives throughout the region to reducing the spread of health-related disinformation. Projects in Morocco, Egypt and Jordan, among others, have taken responsibility for accurate reporting and news dissemination.


Effective Grant Writing For Your Next Big Project With International Women In Media Foundation

Saturday 05/12/2020 18:00

Successfully winning a journalism grant can take your reporting project to the next level. But it can also be highly competitive and difficult to navigate. In this workshop, leading funders of international journalism will discuss candidly what they value the most in proposals, what common mistakes journalists make in their applications, and what funders are looking out for in 2021. They will also answer basic questions on budgeting, requirements, publishing plans, etc. Join this workshop to get the firsthand knowledge of grant writing and make your next big project happen!


Opportunities, Challenges And Resources - Eastern Europe And Middle East

Saturday 05/12/2020 19:00

The session will cover opportunities, resources and services available for journalists working on cross-border investigations in Eastern Europe, Eurasia and Middle East. This session will be useful for reporters seeking contacts in the specified regions, for those that can provide assistance in finding or verifying information, working with various local registers or providing local background to the stories.


10 Years After The Arab Spring: IJ Challenges

Saturday 05/12/2020 20:00

This plenary discusses the core challenges investigative journalism is facing 10 years on from the Arab spring. In all Arab countries, Tunisian street vendor Mohamed Bouazizi is not to be forgotten. Street demonstrations and popular protests spread to other countries including Bahrain, Egypt, Libya, Yemen and Syria. Since 2010, online-driven movements have also emerged in much of the developing world with citizens taking a leading role in gathering and producing news while demanding a greater voice in determining their social and political destinies, raising hopes for greater political inclusion and freedom, including press freedom. In marking the 10th anniversary of the so-called Arab Spring, we also ask whether the revolutions have inspired fundamental changes in the ways in which investigative journalists operate, questioning whether they face operational obstacles and if so, counterquestioning whether freedom of speech has regressed to pre-revolution conditions.


Fun Night with Samya Ayish

Saturday 05/12/2020 21:00

Join us for some games, surprises and prizes. Come in your traditional clothes and be camera ready!


ARIJ20 Virtual Exhibition

Sunday 06/12/2020 14:00

This exhibition grants you the opportunity to meet representatives from the best investigative journalism and media support organizations operating in the region. Feel free to drop by their booth, learn more about their services, projects, resources, and opportunities.

Investigating Solutions: Journalists as Catalysts for Change with Media Heroes and IMS

Sunday 06/12/2020 15:00

It is our responsibility as media makers to point out problems in our societies. But every day, inspiring local solutions are thought and created. What can the role of journalists be in this process? In this interactive session we discuss how solutions journalism can be a tool for journalists and media makers reporting on crises. Using regional examples and practical tips, this session will give participants tools that can be adapted in their professional lives and allow room for the audience to share their experiences.


Exposing The Dirty Tactics Of Big Tobacco -Leads For The Arab Region With Tobacco Tactics

Sunday 06/12/2020 16:00

Investigators from the website Tobacco Tactics – part of the Tobacco Control Research Group at the University of Bath and a partner in the global tobacco industry watchdog STOP - will run a practical session highlighting the industry’s use of deception, bribery and dirty tricks. They will share stories they have worked on to reveal corporate misbehaviour and undermining of national and international regulations. The researchers will discuss different tools used for exposing such practices and how they can collaborate with investigative journalists in the Arab region to shine a light on particular issues in the region. The session will be moderated by Phil Chamberlain, the Managing Editor of Tobacco Tactics, and speakers will be Tobacco Tactics’ Director Andy Rowell, its Monitoring Coordinator Dr Raouf Alebshehy, and the BBC investigative journalist Ahmed El-Shamy.


Reporting On Health Issues During COVID-19: Investigative Journalists Sharing Their Experience With CFI

Sunday 06/12/2020 17:00

The problems encountered by investigative journalists in the Arab world are manifold: lack of time, lack of financial resources, isolation, physical threats, legal action, etc. These problems have been further increased by the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic. Yet investigating the health sector is more necessary than ever. How investigative journalists were able to overcome the many obstacles they faced to produce their investigation in the field of health ? Four of them will share their experience.


Open Mic: Your Stories

Sunday 06/12/2020 18:00

Every investigative journalist has great stories. Come share one of the memorable stories you’ve gone through your career. We all learn from those stories and remember each other much more when we hear them. Come share those fantastic stories with your fellow journalists so we can all get a laugh or cry. We’d like for everyone to keep stories to three minutes or less so that we can hear from everyone who has something to share.


Combating Harrasment - Abuse And Misuse Of Power Inside The Arab Media Industry

Sunday 06/12/2020 19:00

This session will introduce a consortium, to be launched in 2021 as a new project entitled "I Will Not Stay Silent" that will give priority to protection of the affected journalism community from sexual exploitation and abuse, fraud and corruption, and abuse of power from any media personnel within the media or social media environment; to work towards preventing this from happening. Facebook journalism, IWFM, WAN IFRA, SAFE IREX and ARIJ will discuss the needs and opportunities to better combat harassement, abuse and misuse of power inside the Arab Media industry.


Networking Event

Sunday 06/12/2020 20:00

Awards & Closing Ceremony

Sunday 06/12/2020 21:00


So You Want to Be a Data Journalist? with Internews

Monday 14/12/2020 18:00

Becoming among the first data journalists is a difficult and exciting journey. This panel brings together four journalists who have led the way in their countries, all using a common program and process. For the first time, the resource they used is available in Arabic through Internews and ARIJ. This session will introduce the manual and the community of journalists who have made it a success in other parts of the world.


How can we connect the world? Webinar with Dr. Mohamed Sameh (moderated by Rawan Damen)

Monday 21/12/2020 12:00

At the last live event in ARIJ20 Forum, how can Arab investigative journalist contribute to connecting the world? What are the skills and background needed? And how can we put the Arab issues on the agenda of international human rights defenders?
